It's you versus the AI. Who is better at handling the rock? Find out in this fun basketball shootout!

For the "Finally Finish Something 2020 " jam. Took an month to get back to this project, but I'm glad to mark it #FINISHED! Please note: Multiplayer Online "Royale" mode is currently unavailable. Mode will be released in late 2020.

Download Instructions: download .zip folder, extract all from folder, and open the .exe file to play the game.


Arrow keys - move

Spacebar - shoot the ball

E - grab ball

Round End: Tab to restart round; E to return to start menu


Each mode contains a 2-minute shoot out round. Player will walk to the rack to acquire a fruit ball. The AI will automatically go to a defensive position to block your shot. Player earns +1 point for each basket. AI earns +1 for each block. If your shot completely misses the basket but the AI has not touched it, just simply press E again to put it back in your hands. Winner is determined after the end of the round.


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